
What to expect from the first meeting with BTT Lawyers Pty Ltd?

Your first point of contact will be with a member of our Triage Team, who are equipped to listen to your legal concerns and book you an appointment with one of our highly skilled solicitors. Your appointment with your solicitor will include discussing your circumstances in detail, acquiring legal advice and discussing your payment. You will then correspond with your solicitor according to your case, and acquire assistance in preparing your required documents. BTT Lawyers is committed to assisting you through every stage of your legal matter, from its origin to your triumph. It’s Your Fight, Our Mission


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Mob – 0468 834 639/ 0402 859 349

“Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.”
Suite 6, Level-1 275 Gower Street, Preston, Victoria - 3072
Tel: (03) 9471 9251 / (03) 9470 1899
Mob: 0468 834 639
Mob: 0402 859 349

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